A Musical by Larry Grossman and Hal Hackady

Atop his kennel, Snoopy surveys the skies, scene of his triumph as a First World War flying ace. Modestly he considers his genius. Stoically he accepts that his brilliance in nearly every field of endeavour will forever go unremarked by humankind. He can but uphold his own high standards. ("I refuse to chase a stick that hasn't been properly sanded and polished") and his own immutable philosophy ("In the book of the life the answers are not in the back").

Based on the comic strip "Peanuts" by Charles M. Schulz, this charming show features a real person as Snoopy (unless you can get a beagle to learn the routines), and his human friends as well as Woodstock.

Performance Schedule
July 2002
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
7:30 pm

The days in the calendar are color-coded:
White Plenty of seats are available
Yellow A popular performance, but seats are available
Red A very popular show, very few seats are available

This is a presentation of the Calliope Pre-Teen Youth Theatre Workshop.

Directed by Kathy Ludt, the cast of Snoopy included
Charlie Brown Sam McLennan
Linus Tom Lazinksi
Sally Brown Haley Bourke
Lucy Courtney Duffy
Peppermint Patty Elizabeth Wall
Snoopy Jackie Theoharis
Woodstock Heather Scott
Soloists Emily Bourke, Jessica Jones, Stacey Lipkin, Sara Lucchini, Margo McLennan, Hannah Rosen, Kari Walls, Tessa Wood
Chorus Cassandra Barrett, Lauren Brule, Carolyn Cooper, Jessica Heslin, Kristen Hyman, Emily Kellner, Taryn Lazinski, Erika Maglio, Tyler McLennan, Crystal Parker

The Production Staff:
Producers Kathy & Dave Ludt
Director Kathy Ludt
Musical Director / Piano Michael Rice
Bass Cory Cocomazzi
Percussion Shawn McGann
Assistant to Director Breanne Appleton
Lights Adam Roy
Workshop Assistant Brennan Clark
Set / Lighting & Sound Design Dave Ludt
Box Office Karen Josbacher

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