A Drama by Ernest Thompson This is the story of Ethel and Norman Thayer, who are returning to their summer home on Golden Pond for the forty-eighth year. He is a retired professor, with heart palpitations and a failing memory, but he is still as tart-tongued, observant, and eager for life as ever. Ethel, the perfect foil for Norman, delights in all the small things that have enriched and continue to enrich their long life together. They are visited by their divorced, middle-aged daughter and her dentist fiancé, who leave his teenage son behind for the summer. The boy quickly becomes the "grandchild" the elderly couple have longed for. As Norman revels in taking his ward fishing and thrusting good books at him, he also learns some lessons in return. In the end, as the summer wanes, so does their brief idyll, and in the final, deeply moving moments of the play, Norman and Ethel are brought even closer together. Performance Schedule
The days in the calendar are color-coded:
Tickets are $15 per person, $12 for Students/Seniors.
Directed by Walter Schumacher, the cast of On Golden Pond included
The Worcester Telegram offers a feature on On Golden Pond and playwright Ernest Thompson. (opens a new window) Thanks to the Telegram for a winning review. (opens a new window)
Last updated on 11 December, 2015, subject to change | ©2015 Calliope |