Calliope Performance Center

Directions and Maps

The Calliope Performance Center is at 150 Main Street (Route 70), Boylston, Massachusetts. Telephone (508) 869-6887.

If you are traveling Route 70 eastbound (coming from Worcester), then the Calliope Performance Center is on the right 0.3 miles after Wagner Motors.

If you are traveling northbound on Route 140 (2 miles north off Route 290), then turn left onto Route 70 westbound. The Calliope Performance Center is 1.3 miles on the left after a big bend in the road.

If you are traveling southbound on Route 140 (coming from West Boylston), then turn right onto Route 70 westbound. The Calliope Performance Center is 1.3 miles on the left after a big bend in the road.

The Calliope Parking Lot is on the opposite side of the road.

We have a map of eastern Massachusetts with the Calliope Performance Center pinpointed. Click on the image to get an 800x480 size map (62Kb):

Eastern Mass. - click for 800x480 image (62Kb)

We also have a map of the Boylston area, showing the main access roads to the Calliope Performance Center. Click on the image to get a 640x480 size map (26Kb):

Calliope Performance Center, 150 Main St, Boylston - click for 640x480 image (26Kb)

Calliope's GPS coordinates are N 42°19.347', W 71°45.394'

Please use the following form to obtain specific driving directions from your home to Calliope:

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