The Little Mermaid, Jr
The Musical
The Little Mermaid, Jr is a charming stage musical adapted from the animated 1989 Disney film "The Little Mermaid." It is based on the classic story by Hans Christian Andersen about a mermaid who dreams of the world above the sea. The Little Mermaid, Jr is a tune-filled and enchanting musical about the sacrifices we all make for love and acceptance.
Performance Dates
Wednesday, August 2, 7:00 pm
Thursday, August 3, 7:00 pm
Friday, August 4, 7:00 pm
Saturday, August 5, 2:00 pm
The performances are color-coded:
White = lots of seats available
Yellow = a popular show
Red = few seats left
Black = Sold Out
Tickets are $10 for all admissions.