A Comedy by The Bard, via Jess Borgeson, Adam Long, Daniel Singer and Reed Martin with the Reduced Shakespeare Company (RSC) All 37 Plays in an (abridged) evening! An irreverent, fast-paced romp through the Bard’s plays, The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged)* was London’s longest-running comedy – 10 years in the West End at the Criterion Theatre! Join some madcap men in tights as they weave their wicked way through all of Shakespeare’s Comedies, Histories and Tragedies in one wild ride that will leave you breathless and helpless with laughter. * NOTE: This play is suitable for audiences of all ages, but not recommended for people prone to bladder problems, manic fits of laughter, inner-ear disorders, or motion sickness. Performance Schedule
The days in the calendar are color-coded:
Tickets are $18 per person, $15 for Students/Seniors.
Thanks to the Worcester Telegram for a Shakespeare shakedown review in the March 9 edition. (opens a new window)
Last updated on 11 December, 2015, subject to change | ©2015 Calliope |