The world premiere of a comedy by Matthew Cory An ordinary day at the office turns to cut-throat chaos when the boss announces that he will be promoting one of his employees by the end of the day. That's all the incentive that the co-workers need to start competitive brown-nosing and undermining each other through lies and hijinks. Things get more out of control when a foreign stranger, an IRS agent, and a homeless arrive to add to the mayhem. Will the most deserving cubicle-dweller earn the coveted promotion, or will it go to someone who treats a day on the job as "all play and no work"?
The days in the calendar are color-coded:
Tickets are $18 per person, $15 for Students/Seniors.
Directed by Matthew Cory, the cast of All Play and No Work includes
Stop the Presses! Playwright in the News: Matthew Cory featured in the Worcester Telegram's Go section on June 12. Thanks to the Worcester Telegram for a hard-working review.
Last updated on 11 December, 2015, subject to change | ©2015 Calliope |